FTC Business Blog Leave a Comment / Blog, CPD Newsletter / By Jenny Proctor Business Blog PostsNew Impersonator Rule gives FTC a powerful tool for protecting consumers and businessesFTC announces new Safeguards Rule provision: Is your company up on what’s required?E-I-E-I-NO: Operation Stop Scam Calls targets operators that facilitate illegal robocalls, including “consent farms”The Luring Test: AI and the engineering of consumer trustIf your company received an FTC Notice of Penalty Offenses, take notice of this actionFTC says Grand Bahama Cruise Line’s robocalls ran agroundCharity fraud awareness, here & abroad: How businesses can help charities defend against cyber threatsStarting soon: FTC’s Nixing the FixIn Fat Giraffe Marketing’s ads, truth was the endangered speciesRefundamentals: How the FTC returns billions to consumers